Thursday, July 11, 2013

Under the Tuscan Sun

            Italy: Day 1, Travel Day, July 3

Tiffany, Vivi, Sophia and I left the house in the morning at 3:30 am. The THOUGHT was if we left in the middle of the night the girls would just sleep most of the morning and we would also miss a lot of traffic… we should have known better. As soon as Vivi hit the car she began talking, and talking, and then some more talking. To make things more interesting the traffic we were SUPPOSE to miss, only lasted about 2 hrs before we hit stalls and detours. What a great start…
Finally at 10am we stopped to get some gas and have some breakfast. We had stopped several other places before this point, but nothing was available to eat until 10. Note for future reference, “convince restaurants” such as McDonalds are NOT convenient in Europe.
After we had some food, only to hit the road again and discover that I had left my purse in the gas station! It contained my whole identity, passport, credit cards, SS card, instillation pass, international drivers licenses, drivers licenses, and about 200 Euro plus some USD!! I was freaking out to say the least. After 1.5 hours I was afraid it was gone. After a quick turn around, I ran back in to the place I had left it, and to my disbelief it was still there with all the contents.

We made it down to Italy around dinner time. A 9 hour trip that had been 13 long hours.

Italy: Day 2, Beach Day/ 4th of July

Day two was a 180 turn around. We woke up, got some breakfast and hit the beach that was just across the street. It was a white rock beach with beautiful blue water. I loved the look, but the rocks rather hurt.
After a morning of walking around we had lunch, let the girls nap, and then headed over to the American beach that was located 2 km from our hotel to spend the 4th of July evening. One of my favorite parts of the trip was floating in the ocean with Vivi and watching the sun go down over the nearby islands and Italian village in the distance, it was BEAUTIFUL.

After the sun set, instead of a fireworks show they had a water and laser light show. I’m sure the locals loved all the American’s playing God Bless the USA over loud speakers on the beach.

Italy: Day 3, Leaning Tower of Pisa, July 5th

Wow! Where to start? We slept in this morning since the night before was so long. We got up around 10 and was out the door by 10:30. We caught the city bus outside our hotel and made our way into downtown Pisa.
Once there we headed straight to the Leaning tower of Pisa. Less eventful than I imagined, but incredible none the less, it’s something I have always wanted to see.
Following we made our way down the streets outside the walls and visited several local vendors. It is very easy to get caught up and sped too much! They have some really good prices on several things including pashminas, which I LOVE!
We had lunch at a local Italian place, which was delicious! I had some sort of pasta with some kind egg and bacon, never had pasta quite like it.
After a nap and some much needed rest we ended the day with the pool and a delicious dinner at one of Tiffany’s co-workers house that lived nearby. That was a treat as well since she had lived in Italy since 1984!

Italy: Day 4, Florence, July 6th

Florence… wow I could spend a week there on museums alone! We began the day with the Duomo and Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise! I was so excited about this, it’s something wrote about in art history about 6 years ago.
After some more shopping, another great Italian lunch, and some sights along the way it was time to go to the Uffizi Gallery where “the Birth of Venus” is kept, my favorite painting of all time!!! I only had 50 minutes to get through the gallery due to a shortage on time. This is ridiculously short if you know art galleries. I got out with just enough time to make it to Academia gallery to see the statue of David. After a couple wrong turns, however, I missed the last slot by 2 minutes L
A 1 hour train ride and 20 min taxi later we were back in Pisa where our hotel was.

Italy: Day 5, Travel Home, July 7th
Nothing to eventful on this day, we stopped in La Spezia Italy for some lunch. It was a nice walk along the harbor and some great Focaccia bread, a long drive back, beautiful scenery through Switzerland, and a tired bunch upon arrival.

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